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- The Laguna Blanca property consists of 23 exploration concessions totaling 5,200 hectares, 100% owned by Lithium Chile through its wholly owned Chilean subsidiary Minera Kairos Chile Limitada (“Minera Kairos”). The Laguna Project includes both active and paleo salar brines and salts.
- Laguna is an early exploration stage project that is accessible from the town of San Pedro de Atacama, 80 kilometres to the west via the paved road 27CH to the north end of Salar de Aguas Calientes then a truck accessible trail heading north to the interior of the property. Travel time from San Pedro de Atacama to the property is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. Near-surface brine samples assaying up to 1230 mg/l lithium. Excellent chemistry; Li:K ratio 0.08, Mg:Li ratio 0.5. Surface to 1.3m deep salt samples anomaly assaying up to 1450 ppm lithium and 692 ppm Cesium covering at least 10 square kilometers. TEM surveys detected a large high conductivity anomaly within 150m of surface. This anomaly covers at least 10 square kilometers, is 100 – 200 m thick and open to the S and W.